• Kent’s friendliest and affordable live in care provider

    Contact us now: 01227 788 700

    We are here all day, everyday. The time to call is now

  • Live in Care Solutions

    Our Live in Care is flexible and 100% tailored to meet the needs of our customers with focused outcomes to maintain and improve upon their quality of life.

    Regular visits from our quality assurance team ensure that changing needs are quickly identified and addressed, carers are supported with on the job and bespoke training to ensure they have the skills to deliver exceptional Live in Care.


    Kent Home Care can offer both short and long term Live in Care packages including holiday cover, respite for main carers and a Home from Hospital service to assist with recovery and rehabilitation.


    Live in Care provides our customers with a home based care worker which lives with them in their home. They will assist with all the regular requirements including Personal Care, Medication assistance and meal preparation.



  • Recent CQC Inspection

    People said they would recommend the service based on the service they or their relative had received.

    Comments included, “I would recommend the agency as it is reliable”;
    a relative told us, “I would recommend it as I am absolutely delighted. They go above and beyond”.

  • Kent Home Care